Better Pencil Drawing using the Bargue Drawing Course

Better Pencil Drawing using the Bargue Drawing Course

We offer almost 3 hours of quality information, demonstration, detailed discussion, illustration, tips, problem-solving and more. On top of that, a few suggested exercises are available to help with the understanding of certain key concepts.

An in-class student could spend up to six months to learn the basics of Bargue drawing. In these video lessons, the gist of the information is offered but the viewer should practice at least 4 Bargue drawings to fully appreciate the depth and breadth of what is covered here.

  • Introduction
    • Welcome
    • An introduction to Bargue Drawing
  • Starting with lines
    • Setting up for success
    • Line quality
      • Exercise – draw the facial features
    • Tools and materials
  • The silhouette
    • The silhouette – part 1
    • The silhouette – part 2
    • The silhouette – part 3
      • Exercise – study the silhouette
    • Second pass
    • Filling in
      • Exercise – value scale
    • Perfecting and clean up
  • Rendering and finishing
    • Rendering: Rounding and shading – part 1
    • Rendering: Rounding and shading – part 2
    • Finish
      • Exercise – More Bargue plates to study from

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